Eleventy is a simpler static site generator.


by André Jaenisch on 6th February 2021


Eleventy is a simpler static site generator. by André Jaenisch is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Attribution 4.0 International


What does Eleventy mean?

When Mr. Biblo Baggings celebrated his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificience, it was the talk of the Shire.
Zach Leatherman

Why a possum?

Baby opossum

What is a Static Site Generator?

Think of a static site generator as a script which takes in data, content and templates, processes them, and outputs a folder full of all the resultant pages and assets.

Phil Hawksworth at Netlify

What makes Eleventy special?


Betting on JavaScript

Not a JavaScript framework

Introduction blog post


Mix and match template engines.

Define input and output.

Or use it as one-off script.

Betting on JavaScript

Chart showing NPM modules outrunning different others

Source: Modulecounts

Not a JavaScript framework

Where is it used?

Chrome Dev Summit CSS Tricks Conference ESLint website


What do people say about it?

Eleventy is almost fascinatingly simple.

Chris Coyier

Eleventy is a killer static site generator. That’s all.

Sara Soueidan

Jekyll is dead to me

Andy Bell

Eleventy supporters

Join 250+ supporters on Open Collective

What can you build with it?


Conference pages

Conference events

Why is it so popular?

Documentation button

Easy to get started!

npx eleventy

Full power of NPM ecosystem

Plugins (filter, shortcodes, transforms)

Authoring in Markdown (mainly)

Support for different template languages

HTML, Markdown, JavaScript, Liquid, Nunjucks, Handlebars, Mustache, EJS, Haml, Pug


There is a default collection built from tags. But you also have different ways to define your own.

Data Directory files!

You can pull in async data using this feature


Can be used to create pages from data

Community activity

Exchange of ideas

on Twitter or GitHub or Discord

Voting for issues

Voting for issues to determine implementation order

Lodash-style issue management might be a cure

Basically close most issues and use a GitHub issue filter.


Turn Jekyll up to Eleventy by Paul Lloyd

Cloudinary Fetch with Eleventy (Respecting Local Development) by Chris Coyier

Give your Eleventy Site Superpowers with Environment Variables by Andy Bell

Architecting data in Eleventy by Sia Karamalegos

Rich Link Previews in Eleventy by Jens-Fabian Goetzmann

Developing plugins

Random collection of user provided plugins

Providing starter repos

Random collection of Eleventy starters

Curating examples

11ty Rocks!

11ty Recipes

Eleventy Themes



Smashing Podcast Episode 28 With David Darnes: What Is Eleventy?

JAMStack Toronto

Training course

Learn Eleventy From Scratch

Build An Eleventy (11ty) Site From Scratch

Let’s Learn Eleventy! (with Zach Leatherman) — Learn With Jason



Eleventy on Open Collective

Picture credits

Screenshot of Eleventy logo - MIT licensed

Avatar of Zach Leatherman - MIT licensed

Picture of Bilbo's birthday party taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings Vol. I

Flickr: short tailed opossum by Mark Dumont ( CC BY-NC )

Flickr: possum by Tires 8 ( CC BY-NC )

Flickr: Opossum by Florida Fish and Wildlife ( CC BY-ND )

Picture credits (continued)

Flickr: Opossum by Dandelion Salad ( CC BY-NC-ND )

Flickr: opossum by Alexander Plushev ( CC BY )

Flickr: possum with babies crossing street - Lynchburg, Virginia by Kipp Teague ( CC BY-NC-ND )

Flickr: knit opossum by normanack ( CC BY )

Flickr: baby opossums by Kathy ( CC BY )


Thanks for listening!